

I’m Opal Mellon and I love to read. I spent my whole childhood reading and haven’t stopped since. I like to think it’s because my parents didn’t let me watch TV growing up, but it’s probably also because I was an awkward, painfully introverted kid who found friends in book pages. I love to read romance and literary fiction most, though I’m recently on a Young Adult spree because there’s so much good stuff out there and it’s clean!

I’m also an author. I’ve written three romances without cursing or graphic sexuality because I believe part of the fun of reading a book is sharing it with others. I know many women would love to read romances that they could discuss and share with their teen daughters or their mothers, while still getting adult, complex, and romantic stories to enjoy. I work hard to keep the level of tension and character development high, and the content rating low.

I’d love to hear from you at opalmellon(at)yahoo.com with any questions, concerns, or comments. I so appreciate your time and consideration of my series.

Thank you and happy reading,
